Vegitup Sauce

Vegitup Sauce – A Flavorful and Versatile Vegan Condiment

Embarking upon a culinary adventure often begins with the quest for something that both tantalizes our taste buds and embraces the needs of our littlest diners. Today, on Little Foodie, we’re sharing a recipe that is a true gem in the treasure trove of family cooking—an enchanting Vegitup Sauce that is as delightful to the senses as it is brimming with goodness.

The Vegitup Sauce stands as a testament to the joys of family cooking, where each measure is full of thoughtfulness and every stir a testament to love. So tie your apron strings, gather your bright-eyed sous chefs, and let’s swirl into the story of a sauce that’s bound to be ladled with smiles and devoured with enthusiasm.

Vegitup Sauce

Vegitup Sauce

Vegitup Sauce

Boil carrot and sweet potato until softened. Drain and add beans, peas, and garlic. Simmer until ready. Use a hand blender to achieve desired consistency. A flavorful and nutritious sauce to enhance your dishes. Perfect for pasta, rice, or as a dip.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Italian
Servings 1 serving
Calories 85 kcal


  • 1 hand blender


  • 1 clove/spoon garlic
  • 1 small tin reduced sugar baked beans 220g
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 carrot
  • Handful of peas
  • Anything else that you can use up veg. wise.


  • Start by placing the carrot and sweet potato in a pot of boiling water. Allow them to cook for approximately 10 minutes or until they become tender and easily pierced with a fork. Boiling the vegetables helps soften them, making them easier to blend later on.
  • Once the carrot and sweet potato are cooked, drain the water from the pot. Add the beans, peas, and garlic to the pot with the softened vegetables. The addition of beans and peas provides protein and extra texture to the sauce, while garlic adds flavor.
  • Simmer the vegetable mixture over low heat until all the ingredients are thoroughly cooked and well combined. This simmering process allows the flavors to meld together and ensures the vegetables are fully cooked.
  • To achieve the desired consistency, use a hand blender to puree the mixture until smooth. Blend the mixture until it reaches the desired texture, adjusting as needed. The hand blender helps create a smooth and creamy sauce.



This super sauce can be used to tingle taste buds when weaning just as it is.  As children get older it can be mixed with pasta and fish dishes or used as a sauce base for dishes.
Keyword Sauce, vegetable

Cooking Tips

Vegitup Sauce

As we roll up our sleeves and prepare to craft the magical potion that is the Vegitup Sauce, I want to share with you some gentle cooking tips that are as much about loving the process as they are about the delicious outcome. We’ve experienced the joyous anticipation of creating something truly special for our cherished young ones – now let’s make sure the result is as satisfying as the journey.

It all begins with the chop. Small, even pieces ensure that each vegetable cooks uniformly, releasing their sweetness and tender hearts to the sauce. Embrace this step as an act of care, imagining the smiles each piece will bring.

Like nurturing a dream, simmer your sauce on a low flame. It allows the flavors to mingle and deepen, creating a harmonious melody of tastes. This slow courtship of ingredients ensures a depth of flavor that feels like a warm hug.

A splash of balsamic vinegar or a teaspoon of sugar can work wonders in balancing the acidity of the tomatoes – a little secret that whispers of nuances in every mouthful without overpowering the sauce’s timeless song.

Whether it’s a sprig of basil or a gentle touch of oregano, herbs add a layer of freshness that breathes life into the sauce. These fragrant companions uplift the spirit of the sauce – and ours, too, as we stir in these green expressions of the earth’s joy.

If you’re serving a crew of discerning young palates, consider blending the cooked vegetables into a smooth puree. It’s a lovely trick that cloaks the veggie goodness in a velvety disguise, making every spoonful both mysterious and inviting to curious taste testers.

As with any masterpiece, tasting is essential. With each sampling, tune the sauce like a sweet violin, adjusting seasoning with a dash of salt or a sprinkling of pepper until it sings a lullaby to your senses.

Invite your little helpers into the mix. When children take part in the creation of their meal, their dishes become canvases they’re eager to color – turning skeptical sniffers into eager tasters.

Vegitup Sauce can be a beacon for future meals, so don’t shy away from making a larger batch. It freezes beautifully, preserving the enchantment for days when time is short but the need for warm meals is plentiful.

The Best Way to Serve Vegitup Sauce

Vegitup Sauce

Oh, the possibilities that bloom with a jar of our Vegitup Sauce! Its versatility is like a choose-your-own-adventure story waiting to unfold on the dining table, bringing squeals of delight and eager anticipation to mealtime. Allow me to share some serving suggestions that will tenderly encircle your family with care and ensure no spoonful goes unloved.

Toss al dente whole-grain pasta with a generous helping of Vegitup Sauce for a dish that wraps you in a cozy blanket of yumminess. Each forkful promises a heartwarming journey through the garden of flavors, making for a meal as nurturing as it is delightful.

Tenderly fill hollowed-out zucchini, bell peppers, or tomatoes with a mix of Vegitup Sauce and cooked rice or quinoa. These veggie bundles, baked gently until they’re soft and brimming with joy, will surely become a treasured dish among the little dreamers at your table.

Let the kids spread Vegitup Sauce on their pizza bases, creating a canvas for their favorite toppings. As they sprinkle cheese and arrange their toppings with giggles and grins, you’ll be painting memories along with delicious bites.

Serve the sauce slightly chilled or at room temperature as a dip alongside carrot sticks, celery, and sweet bell pepper slices. Witness tiny fingers joyfully dunking and discovering the love in every vegetable-laden scoop.

For a fun twist on a classic, ladle the Vegitup Sauce over toasted buns for a veggie-packed sloppy joe that’s both messy and marvelous. It invites laughter and maybe even a bit of cheeky storytelling with each savory bite.

Assemble a lasagna with layers of Vegitup Sauce, noodles, ricotta cheese, and spinach. Every layer is like a chapter in a fairy tale, complete with a happy ending once it emerges bubbly and golden from the oven.

Pour the sauce over tender crepes filled with sautéed mushrooms and cheese, folding them into a blanket of flavor that cradles the soul and tantalizes the taste buds in the most comforting of embraces.


Vegitup Sauce

Frequently Asked Questions about Vegitup Sauce

  • What is Vegitup Sauce? Vegitup Sauce is a heartwarming, homemade vegetable sauce that’s perfect for families looking to delight their children with delicious and nutritious meals. It’s packed with a variety of vegetables, making it not just tasty, but also incredibly wholesome.
  • Is the Vegitup Sauce kid-friendly? Absolutely! This sauce was designed with little ones in mind. It has a smooth texture and a balanced taste that kids adore, making it easier to introduce them to the lovesome world of vegetables.
  • Can I customize the Vegitup Sauce recipe? Of course! Our recipe is a canvas for your culinary creativity. Feel free to adjust the spices or mix in additional veggies depending on what’s in season or what your family prefers. The joy of cooking is all about making it your own.
  • How can I get my child involved in making Vegitup Sauce? Children love being helpers in the kitchen! They can assist with washing the vegetables, stirring the pot under supervision, or even adding pre-measured spices. Involvement in meal preparation makes them more excited to try the finished product.
  • What are some creative ways to serve Vegitup Sauce? The sky’s the limit! Vegitup Sauce can be served over pasta, used as a pizza base, offered as a dipping sauce for veggies, or incorporated into lasagnas and stuffed peppers. Have fun experimenting to find your family’s favorite way to enjoy it.
  • How long can I store Vegitup Sauce? You can refrigerate the sauce for up to a week or freeze it in an airtight container for several months. Freezing it in smaller portions can make meal prep easier and quicker.

In conclusion, our cherished Vegitup Sauce is more than a mere condiment; it’s a vessel that carries the essence of family, love, and health to your dining table. As we’ve embarked on this flavorful journey together, from preparation tips to scrumptious serving ideas, we at Little Foodie hope you feel inspired to create, share, and savor each and every moment.

Each dollop of Vegitup Sauce contains not just the precious nutrients your loved ones need but also the potential for laughter, learning, and connection. It stands as a testament to the delightful simplicity of a meal prepared with affection and shared with joy.


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